The South Johnstone State School P&C Association is a small but very hard-working group of parents. The P&C organise and carry out activities that raise money for our school and extend the experiences of our students. Some of these activities include the running of our tuckshop, along with organising and assisting in the raising of funds for various school projects.
The P&C Association has been successful in the past 12 months in obtaining multiple grants. Making upgrades to the tuckshop and adding new chook enclosure and worm farm. Supplying the school with 10 new laptops, donating $5,500 towards robotics programs within the school and currently in the early stages of creating an Aboriginal Bush Tucker Garden with the Mamu People.
P&C Meetings are held once a month at 3:15 pm in the Library. These meetings are a great opportunity for parents to raise any matters that they wish to discuss or contribute to in order to make our school community the best it can be.
As a parent or friend of South Johnstone State School, please accept this invitation to come along to the next P&C meeting. It will be listed in the events calendar and the newsletter, and put up on the school noticeboard.
Our P&C representatives
President: Cassie Villari
Secretary: Jess Grant
Treasurer: Kellie Harrison
Grants Officer: Tracy Darveniza
Uniform/ Events Co-Ordinator: Cassie Villari